Tips For A Healthy New Year

by | Health

This seems to be the time of year when people start making goals and resolutions to improve their life. You know how it is – people starting diets to shed those holiday pounds, people wiping the dust off their treadmills, people vowing to eat better, and so on.

Have you made any goals or resolutions for this year yet?

Well, in regards to improving your health, I wanted to share a quote with you. It’s from Thomas Edison. He said:

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

This is a brilliant insight from a brilliant man.

You see, most prescription drugs don’t “heal” anything. Take high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes as examples. Does taking medicine “cure” people of these health problems? Nope.

Now, I’m not going to tell you that all drugs are bad and that there aren’t circumstances where medicine is helpful because that would be foolish. But what I am saying is that prescription drugs mostly treat symptoms and do not improve your health and wellness.

So what should all of us be doing to improve our health? Like Edison said, we should be focusing on the health of our frame, focusing on our diet, and our approach to health should be “prevention” instead of “reaction.”

Let’s talk about your “frame.” Most people simply ignore taking care of their structural health and that is a tragic mistake that can have devastating consequences on your health as you age. To keep your frame healthy, you HAVE TO exercise. This is not optional. You have to get your body moving at least 3 times a week…more if possible. There are so many positive benefits to exercise that it’s crazy not to do it.

Next, your spine and nervous system are two of the most important parts of your frame. If these two areas of your frame become unhealthy then it’s impossible to have optimal health. Getting chiropractic adjustments and exercising on a regular basis will do wonders for your overall health. It’s a proven fact.

The last thing I want to discuss is your mindset. My question to you is do you have a mindset of prevention or reaction? To clarify, “prevention” is when you take care of yourself on a regular basis to “prevent” yourself from losing your health as you age. A “reaction” mindset is the exact opposite. If you have a “reaction” mindset, then you basically wait until you already have a health problem before you do anything.

A reaction mindset focuses on pain and symptoms. A prevention mindset focuses on health and wellness. Which is better? Without a doubt it’s the prevention mindset. Just remember, without great health, it’s hard to enjoy life. Think about it – think about the last time your body was in pain or felt tired, sore, or achy. It’s pretty hard to get things done and enjoy life when you aren’t at your best, right?

So to summarize:
1. Take really good care of your frame and structural health. Exercise and get chiropractic adjustments regularly.
2. Eat better. Enough said!
3. Develop the prevention mindset. Start taking care of yourself regularly. Don’t focus on symptoms and don’t wait until you’re already having a health crisis.

Have a great day!


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