Common Causes Of Your Back Pain

by | Back Pain, Chiropractic

Back pain…most people experience it. In fact, 80% of Americans will experience it. Odds are, that means YOU.

I thought I’d share with you some of the more common causes of back pain.

Cause #1: Neglect

Let’s face it, most people don’t take care of their spine. Why? Because they haven’t been taught to. And here’s the problem with that – what you ignore and neglect will break down. And what breaks down will eventually start to hurt. Don’t brush your teeth? You’ll get cavities. Don’t keep your spine healthy? You’ll have back pain. Pretty simple.

Cause #2: Sitting

As a civilization, we are in a seated position more than any time in history. We sit at desks all day for work. We sit at home and watch TV. We sit in our cars. We sit, sit, and sit. And here’s the problem with that. YOU were meant to move. Human beings are designed for MOTION. A sedentary lifestyle is not good. Sitting all the time is not good. And in regards to the back, sitting puts stress in the low back and it shortens the muscles in the front of your legs, which then pull on the spine. Over time, excessive sitting can (and will) cause back pain

Cause #3: Car accidents

When someone is in a bad car accident, this seems obvious. The body is injured and the back will have pain. But what about the lighter “fender benders?” Here’s a scenario that we see all the time – someone gets in a fender bender where neither car is going very fast. The person does not have back pain after the accident. Then 6 months passes by. And out of nowhere it seems, the person has back pain that won’t go away with stretching, exercise, or pain pills. What caused the pain? The fender bender did. Sometimes it takes time for injuries to cause pain.

Cause #4: Aging

As we get older, it’s an undeniable fact that our bodies slowly but surely break down. You can’t avoid it. So the question is, what are you going to do about it? As you age, it’s in your best interest to take care of your structural health. That means your spine, muscles, and joints. You do this by exercising, stretching, and getting structural care like chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and so on.

Cause #5 Improper Lifting

When you go to pick something up off the floor, how do you do it? Believe it or not, most people lift things improperly. What most people do is bend at the waist to pick something up. This put a lot of stress on your low back and can cause injury.

When you lift something, you want to remember to use those legs! Flex your legs and try to keep your back upright when you pick something up. Also, try to keep the object close to your body. Proper lifting can save you a lot of pain and muscle soreness.

Cause #6: Your Mattress

When was the last time you bought a new mattress? When was the last time you rotated your mattress? The truth is, you spend a lot of time on your mattress, and if it’s old and worn out, it can be a cause of back pain. Remember, you want a mattress that is firm and supportive, but also comfortable. If your mattress isn’t providing the support your body needs, it will make you sore when you get up in the morning.

Cause #7: Your Shoes

Yes, it’s true. Your shoes can be a source of back pain, especially if your work requires you to be on your feet a lot. Check both your work and casual your shoes to see what kind of support they have. You might have to make a change if you experience back soreness on a regular basis.

So what do you think? Are any of these “causes” making your back sore, stiff, or achy?

If so make the necessary changes and you should see some improvements in how your back and body feel.


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