You Appendix May Not Be Useless After All

by | Health, News

You know how most doctors tell you your appendix has no use? Well, that might not be true.

New research done at the Duke University Medical Center think the purpose of the appendix could be to repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria after bouts of sickness.

You see, when you have problems like food poisoning, diarrhea, chlorea or other intestinal problems, the contents of your lower gut get flushed away…and this includes both the good and bad bacteria.

The position of the appendix is such that it avoids the purge. The beneficial bacteria within the appendix can repopulate the gut prior to bad bacteria gaining a foothold. Some have compared it to “rebooting” the gut, which is a major part of all good holistic colon cleanse programs.

Surgeons are quick to point out that in a “modern industrial society” the purpose of the appendix is marginalized by advances in modern medicine. According to the CDC 300 to 400 Americans die from appendicitis each year out of the approximately 320,000 who are diagnosed with it. It is for this reason that the CDC and surgeons recommend having the appendix removed in the event of inflammation.
Professor Douglas Theobald of Brandies University says that the idea “seems by far the most likely” explanation, and it “makes evolutionary sense.”

This news could cause a less cavalier approach to the removal of other “useless” body parts. Professor Gary Huffnagle of the University of Michigan says, “I’ll bet eventually we’ll find the same sort of thing with the tonsils.”

So even though man-kind has made tremendous advances in health care, it seems that our creator had a purpose for all of our body parts after all. Who’d have thought?

Have a great day!


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